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Mayoral Candidate Announcement Press Release: Julian A. Martinez Announces Intent to File Application for City of Houston Mayor in the upcoming November 2023 General Election Ballot

Today, I Julian Martinez am excited to announce my candidacy for the City of Houston Mayor November 2023 General Election Ballot. My professional qualifications are perfectly suited to execute the duties of this office. I understand the huge responsibilities of the office, which cannot be taken lightly, and must be given the day-to-day attention that is required to fix the problems we have in Houston.  


As a business owner in the Westchase area for over 38 years and a resident of the same, I consider myself very fortunate to live and work in our wonderful city. I must say that I am disappointed at the amount of political division between the current politicians and their inability to address our city’s problems. According to a recent article in Houstonia magazine, “Houstonians still want the next mayor to address the same problems they were concerned about before Turner took office. For example, issues like flooding, road repairs, the unhoused community, traffic congestion, and public transportation are some, and a decrease in crime is another. Additionally, sewage system management, recycling services, and proper drainage remain top priorities for Houstonians. And worrying about flooding every time that it rains isn’t sustainable.” 


The citizens have spoken, and it is clear. It is time to take action and Fix Houston. As a hard-working Houstonian that has the same concerns about the future of our city. We cannot solve today’s problems with yesterday’s ideas of career politicians who only serve themselves and the interest of their wealthy donors.  


Guided by the City of Houston's Mission Statement and with the support of the citizens I will commit fully to the responsibilities and duties of the Mayor of Houston. I will be transparent, financially, and fiscally responsible and in constant communication with the citizens of Houston.  


1.       Transparency – The citizens deserve to know and have a voice in how our city operates.  The citizens of Houston must have access to the data in a clear, easy-to-understand format to ensure that they can understand how the city impacts their lives. I will create and or support any initiative for the city of Houston to open its doors and make its business apparent to all citizens.   


2.       Financially and Fiscally Responsible – The City of Houston must provide required city services in a fiscally responsible way. City revenues come from sales taxes on resident purchases, state-shared revenues, new construction, and fees for city services. We must manage the funds responsibly to ensure that we can provide resident services now and, in the future, regardless of changing economic conditions. 

3.       Communication – To be successful in managing the city I must communicate. This includes internally within the mayor’s office, other departments, and externally with citizens. I would encourage open and professional communication with all stakeholders. It will be easy for citizens to get timely information from the mayor’s office.  


Issues & Positions 


Safety -- The citizens of Houston want and need to feel secure in their homes, whether the concern is crime or flooding. As Mayor my most important responsibility is to keep Houstonians safe. I will work to build trust and cooperation between community members and law enforcement. To reduce crime, we must move beyond just law enforcement. We must put forth a serious effort toward prevention, intervention, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and other social services. I will work to update the stormwater master plan and improve stormwater operations. Working with the help of State and Federal departments we will continue to improve upon our flood mitigation infrastructure projects. I will work to strengthen our Fire Department and its ability to respond. Our first responders are essential to the community they put their lives on the line to keep us safe. With your support, we will do more to honor and support them by committing to grow our Fire Department which will reduce response times because seconds can be the difference between life and death of our loved ones.  


Economic Development- As a business owner I have concerns about regulatory restrictions that impede companies’ ability to thrive in our city and region. Whether a small business or a Fortune 500 company, as Mayor I will invest in jobs, industries, and communities that will drive Houston’s economic future.  


Affordable Housing/Homelessness- According to the Coalition for the Homelessness “In the Houston region, 50% of homelessness is caused by an economic crisis (job loss, bills become higher than earnings), debunking common stereotypes that homelessness is overwhelmingly caused by substance use – which accounts for less than 10% of homelessness locally.” That is why it is important to have a strong economic development plan to create jobs. Another issue is affordable housing is unattainable due to the skyrocketing rent prices and property taxes. I will work diligently to ensure families are not being pushed out of communities where they have lived for generations. 


I am not a politician, I am a businessman in the Fix It Business, that understands the importance of doing the job right, if not I would have not been able to build and sustain my business for 38 years. I work hard to take care of my family like many hard-working Houstonians. We know the value of an honest day’s work; we show up and provide our customers with a quality product or service, unlike politicians who continue to produce bad results without recourse. It is time to Fix Houston that is why I am asking for your support in the upcoming City of Houston Mayoral Election.  


Please take a moment to read the City of Houston Mission Statement, it defines our purpose, and primary objectives and will guide my day-to-day decision-making. 


“The City of Houston will focus its proactive legislative efforts on the enhancement of life in Houston through an emphasis on public safety and criminal justice initiatives; economic development and increasing jobs; protecting the quality of life; improving mobility; creating complete communities; working towards creating a healthier environment; providing affordable housing opportunities; and making the government more responsive, transparent, and fiscally responsible. All of this must be pursued with a focus on preserving local decision-making and ending unfunded state mandates.” 

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